A new card
Hello my dear blog friends,
Today i can show you a new card of me. I hope you will enjoy watching it.
Hallo lieve blog vriendinnen,
Vandaag kan ik jullie weer een nieuwe kaart laten zien. Veel plezier bij het bekijken ervan.
Materials you need for this card:
Benodigdheden voor deze kaart:
1 sheet Papicolor cardstock nr. 14, Pink
1 sheet Linnen Art cardstock nr. 01, White
Nellie’s A4 Background Sheets NEVA009
Nellie’s A4 Background Sheets NEVA010
Nellie’s Multi Frame Die MFD028 2-borders-3
Nellie’s Multi Frame Die MFD058 "Straight rectangle"
Nellie’s Multi Frame Die MFD060 "Straight heart"
Nellie’s Multi Frame Die MFD062 "Straight Eastern oval"
Nellie’s Multi Frame Die MFD063 "Flower-2"
Nellie’s Folding Die NFD011 "small heart"
Nellie’s Shape Dies SD001 "Star swirl"
Nellie’s Shape Dies SD010 "curly branch"
Nellie’s Cameo Dies jumbo "2 star-flower oval frames" CAD001
Nellie’s Cameo Punches, medium set "vintage flower" CamP001
Nellie’s Floral punch mini-set FLP036 Flower-4
Nellie’s Clear Stamps Sweet Elin SWE010
Nellie’s Clear Stamps Lars en Lilly LILA005 "Dutch text"
Stras stones
Black gelpen
Copic Markers
Love, Petra. xxx
Liefs, Petra. xxx
zaterdag 26 april 2014
donderdag 17 april 2014
A card for Nellie's Choise
Hello my dear blog friends,
Today i can show you a new card. Nellie has looking for example cards for her site Nellie's Choise.
She was looking for a weddingcard made with the English circle stamps. Well i have these stamps so i made 2 cards for her. One of them is standig at Nellie's Choise now. Click HERE to see the card.
The second card i made they are going to keep and use it for other things later. I will show the second card later.
Hallo lieve blog vriendinnen,
Vandaag kan ik jullie een nieuwe kaart laten zien. Nellie was op zoek naar voorbeeldkaarten voor
Nellie's Choise.
Nellie was op zoek naar een trouwkaart waarin de Engelse cirkel stempels waren gebruikt. Ik heb deze serie stempels en heb dus 2 kaarten ermee gemaakt. 1 kaart staat nu op Nellie's Choise.
De 2e kaart bewaard ze even voor andere doeleinden. De 2e kaart laat ik jullie op een ander tijdstip zien.
Vintage Weddingcard
Materials you need for this card:
Benodigdheden voor deze kaart:
1 Sheet Linnen Art cardstock nr. 07, Chamois
1 Sheet Linnen Art cardstock nr. 01, White
1 sheet Linnen Art cardstock nr. 12, Coffee Brown
Design Paper: Maja Design Vintage Spring Basics
Design Paper: Bacic Grey: Little Black Dress
Nellie's Multi Frame Die MFD052 "Incire round 4"
Nellie's Multi Frame Die MFD055 "Straight round"
Nellies Multi Frame Die MFD060 "Straight heart
Nellie's Folding Die NFD011 "small heart"
Nellie's Shape Dies SD008 "rose branch"
3-D sheet: Nellie's Vintage NEVI28 "so sweet"
Nellie's Circle Clear Stamps English texts "Marriage" CCSM002
Dissress Ink: Vintage Photo
Bown pearls
Copic Markers
Love, Petra. xxx
Liefs, Petra. xxx
Hello my dear blog friends,
Today i can show you a new card. Nellie has looking for example cards for her site Nellie's Choise.
She was looking for a weddingcard made with the English circle stamps. Well i have these stamps so i made 2 cards for her. One of them is standig at Nellie's Choise now. Click HERE to see the card.
The second card i made they are going to keep and use it for other things later. I will show the second card later.
Hallo lieve blog vriendinnen,
Vandaag kan ik jullie een nieuwe kaart laten zien. Nellie was op zoek naar voorbeeldkaarten voor
Nellie's Choise.
Nellie was op zoek naar een trouwkaart waarin de Engelse cirkel stempels waren gebruikt. Ik heb deze serie stempels en heb dus 2 kaarten ermee gemaakt. 1 kaart staat nu op Nellie's Choise.
De 2e kaart bewaard ze even voor andere doeleinden. De 2e kaart laat ik jullie op een ander tijdstip zien.
Vintage Weddingcard
Materials you need for this card:
Benodigdheden voor deze kaart:
1 Sheet Linnen Art cardstock nr. 07, Chamois
1 Sheet Linnen Art cardstock nr. 01, White
1 sheet Linnen Art cardstock nr. 12, Coffee Brown
Design Paper: Maja Design Vintage Spring Basics
Design Paper: Bacic Grey: Little Black Dress
Nellie's Multi Frame Die MFD052 "Incire round 4"
Nellie's Multi Frame Die MFD055 "Straight round"
Nellies Multi Frame Die MFD060 "Straight heart
Nellie's Folding Die NFD011 "small heart"
Nellie's Shape Dies SD008 "rose branch"
3-D sheet: Nellie's Vintage NEVI28 "so sweet"
Nellie's Circle Clear Stamps English texts "Marriage" CCSM002
Dissress Ink: Vintage Photo
Bown pearls
Copic Markers
Love, Petra. xxx
Liefs, Petra. xxx
maandag 14 april 2014
Release Nellie’s Folding Dies NFD001-NFD005
To watch the release online click HERE.
This release was fun to make. Nellie has designed new Dies called the Folding Dies, in this release i will show you all kinds of cards that you can make with these Dies. I hope you have just as much fun with them, as i had, just watch and see your self. I shall put some video’s from Nellie at my blog, to show you how to use the Folding Dies and the Shape Dies that i used in this release.
This release has no video this time, just the photo's of the cards i made.
To watch the English video how to use the Folding Dies click HERE.
To watch the English video how to use the Shape Dies click HERE.
Wil je de release online bekijken, klik van HIER.
Deze release was heel leuk om te maken. Nellie heeft nieuwe Dies ontworpen en ze heten Folding Dies. In deze release laat ik jullie zien wat voor verschillende kaarten je kan maken met deze Dies. Ik hoop dat jullie er net zoveel plezier aan beleven als dat ik dat heb gehad. Dus kijk en oordeel zelf. Ik zal video's op mijn blog zetten hoe je de Folding Dies en de Shape Dies gebruikt.
Klik HIER om te kijken hoe de Folding Dies werken, uitleg is in het Nederlands.
Klik HIER om te kijken hoe de Shape Dies werken, de uitleg is in het Nederlands.
Card 1:
A day at the beach
Materials you need for this card:
Benodigdheden voor deze kaart:
1 Sheet Papicolor nr. 42, Ice Blue
1 sheet Linnen Art cardstok nr. 33, Dark Brown
Design paper: Marianne Design Pretty Papers Bloc Eline’s Vintage Blue and Green, PB7020
Nellie’s Multiframes MFD052 and MFD055
Nellie’s Folding Die NFD002 “ball”
Nellie’s 3-D sheet: NEVI005 "Seaside"
Card 2:
Merry X-Mas
Materials you need for this card:
Benodigdheden voor deze kaart:
1 Sheet Linnen Art cardstock nr.01, White
2 Sheets Linnen Art cardstock nr. 40, Turquoise
Design paper: Sei: Kriss Kringle
Nellie's Folding Die NFD001 "Star"
Nellie's Multi Frame Die MFD046 "Poinsettia"
Nellie's Shape Dies SD014 Christmas label
Nellie's Shape Dies SD018 Stans tekst "Merry X-mas"
Nellie's Shape Dies SD020 Christmas "corner-2"
Nellie's Shape Dies SD021 Christmas "pine branch"
Nellie's Shape Dies SD023, Folding Flowers 02
Nellie's Shape Dies SD023 "Folding flower-2"
Nellie’s 3-D sheet: NEVI009 Christmas Vintage "Children"
Distress Ink: Vintage Photo
Card 3:
Have a nice day
Materials you need for this card:
Benodigdheden voor deze kaart:
2 sheets Linnen Art cardstock nr. 01, White
1 sheet Papicolor nr. 12, Red
Design paper: Maja Design: Vintage Spring Basics
Nellie’s stitching Die: Embroidery Die AND004 "round-1"
Nellie's Folding Die NFD003 "heart"
Nellie’s Multi Frame Die MFD031 2-corners-2
Nellie’s Multi Frame Die MFD055 "Straight round"
Nellie’s Multi Frame Die MFD060 "Straight heart
Nellie’s Shape Dies SD009 "single leaf branch"
Nellie’s 3-D sheet: Nellie's Vintage NEVI29 "playing"
Embroidery tread: Madeira yarn nrs. 1037 (red),1170 (green), 1071 (crème)
Nellie’s Clear Stamps: Lars en Lilly, LILA013 "English texts"
Golden star stickers
Distress ink: Vintage Photo
Strass stones
Card 4:
Flowers for you
Materials you need for this card:
Benodigdheden voor deze kaart:
2 Sheets Papicolor nr. 16, Dark Green
2 sheets Linnen Art cardstock nr 01, White
Design Paper: Maja Design: Vintage Spring Basics
Maja Design: It’s Christmas Time
Nellie's Folding Die NFD004 "flower-1"
Nellie’s Cameo Dies small "2 vintage oval frames" CAD006
Nellie’s Cameo Punches: CamP005, small set "vintage flower"
Nellie’s 3-D sheet: Nellie's color Vintage NEVI008 "Family"
Creatable LR00157 decoratieve elegance
Mulberry roses White
Marianne Design roses: Rose Bunches Pink RB2215
Card 5:
Christmas Greetings
Materials you need for this card:
Benodigdheden voor deze kaart:
2 Sheets Papicolor nr. 16, Dark Green
1 sheet Papicolor nr. 28, Light Yellow
Design paper: Imaginisce: Snowy Joy: Jo to the world and Jingle Baubles
1 sheet Linnen Art cardstock nr. 01, White
Nellie's Folding Die NFD001 "Star"
Nellies Multi Frame Die MFD055 "Straight round"
Nellies Shape Dies SD005 "Holly branch"
Nellie’s Floral Punches: FLP013, FLP013, FLP022
Nellie’s Multi Frame Die MFD055 "Straight round"
Nellie’s Clear stamps: Circle Clear Stamps English texts "Christmas" CCSK002
Nellie’s Clear stamps: "Juukies" JUK004 "Christmas tree"
Copic Markers
Card 6:
Make a Christmas Wish
Materials you need for this card:
Benodigdheden voor deze kaart:
2 sheets Papicolor nr. 41, Dark Blue
1 sheet Linnen Art cardstock 01, White
Design Paper: Bo Bunny: Midnight Frost
Nellie's Folding Die NFD005 "flower-2"
Nellie’s Multiframe Die: MFD048, "Rectangle-3"
Nellie’s Multiframe Die: MFD062, "Straight Eastern oval"
Nellie’s 3-D sheet: Nellie's Christmas Color Vintage NEVI015 "Snow fun"
Nellie’s Shape Dies: SD001, "Star swirl"
Nellie’s Shape Dies: SD012, "Thorny branch"
Nellie’s Floral Punches: FLP013, 014, 022 en 035
Stamp: Nicole Verkooijen, NV 05
Card 7:
Materials you need for this card:
Benodigdheden voor deze kaart:
1 sheet Linnen Art cardstock nr. 14, Bordeaux Red
1 sheet Linnen Art cardstock nr. 7, Chamois
Design paper: Maja Design Vintage Spring Basics
Nellie's Folding Die NFD002 "ball"
Nellie’s Multi Frame Die MFD062 "Straight Eastern oval"
Nellie’s Clear Stamps Lars en Lilly, LILA013 "English texts"
Nellie’s A4 decoupage sheet Color Vintage NEVI021, “posing”
Nellie’s Floral Punches: FLP0027, FLP037
Joy cutting and embossing Die: 6002/0258 Oval
Joy cutting and embossing Die: 6002/0136 French Lilly
Love, Petra. xxx
Liefs, Petra. xxx
To watch the release online click HERE.
This release was fun to make. Nellie has designed new Dies called the Folding Dies, in this release i will show you all kinds of cards that you can make with these Dies. I hope you have just as much fun with them, as i had, just watch and see your self. I shall put some video’s from Nellie at my blog, to show you how to use the Folding Dies and the Shape Dies that i used in this release.
This release has no video this time, just the photo's of the cards i made.
To watch the English video how to use the Folding Dies click HERE.
To watch the English video how to use the Shape Dies click HERE.
Wil je de release online bekijken, klik van HIER.
Deze release was heel leuk om te maken. Nellie heeft nieuwe Dies ontworpen en ze heten Folding Dies. In deze release laat ik jullie zien wat voor verschillende kaarten je kan maken met deze Dies. Ik hoop dat jullie er net zoveel plezier aan beleven als dat ik dat heb gehad. Dus kijk en oordeel zelf. Ik zal video's op mijn blog zetten hoe je de Folding Dies en de Shape Dies gebruikt.
Klik HIER om te kijken hoe de Folding Dies werken, uitleg is in het Nederlands.
Klik HIER om te kijken hoe de Shape Dies werken, de uitleg is in het Nederlands.
Card 1:
A day at the beach
Materials you need for this card:
Benodigdheden voor deze kaart:
1 Sheet Papicolor nr. 42, Ice Blue
1 sheet Linnen Art cardstok nr. 33, Dark Brown
Design paper: Marianne Design Pretty Papers Bloc Eline’s Vintage Blue and Green, PB7020
Nellie’s Multiframes MFD052 and MFD055
Nellie’s Folding Die NFD002 “ball”
Nellie’s 3-D sheet: NEVI005 "Seaside"
Card 2:
Merry X-Mas
Materials you need for this card:
Benodigdheden voor deze kaart:
1 Sheet Linnen Art cardstock nr.01, White
2 Sheets Linnen Art cardstock nr. 40, Turquoise
Design paper: Sei: Kriss Kringle
Nellie's Folding Die NFD001 "Star"
Nellie's Multi Frame Die MFD046 "Poinsettia"
Nellie's Shape Dies SD014 Christmas label
Nellie's Shape Dies SD018 Stans tekst "Merry X-mas"
Nellie's Shape Dies SD020 Christmas "corner-2"
Nellie's Shape Dies SD021 Christmas "pine branch"
Nellie's Shape Dies SD023, Folding Flowers 02
Nellie's Shape Dies SD023 "Folding flower-2"
Nellie’s 3-D sheet: NEVI009 Christmas Vintage "Children"
Distress Ink: Vintage Photo
Card 3:
Have a nice day
Materials you need for this card:
Benodigdheden voor deze kaart:
2 sheets Linnen Art cardstock nr. 01, White
1 sheet Papicolor nr. 12, Red
Design paper: Maja Design: Vintage Spring Basics
Nellie’s stitching Die: Embroidery Die AND004 "round-1"
Nellie's Folding Die NFD003 "heart"
Nellie’s Multi Frame Die MFD031 2-corners-2
Nellie’s Multi Frame Die MFD055 "Straight round"
Nellie’s Multi Frame Die MFD060 "Straight heart
Nellie’s Shape Dies SD009 "single leaf branch"
Nellie’s 3-D sheet: Nellie's Vintage NEVI29 "playing"
Embroidery tread: Madeira yarn nrs. 1037 (red),1170 (green), 1071 (crème)
Nellie’s Clear Stamps: Lars en Lilly, LILA013 "English texts"
Golden star stickers
Distress ink: Vintage Photo
Strass stones
Card 4:
Flowers for you
Materials you need for this card:
Benodigdheden voor deze kaart:
2 Sheets Papicolor nr. 16, Dark Green
2 sheets Linnen Art cardstock nr 01, White
Design Paper: Maja Design: Vintage Spring Basics
Maja Design: It’s Christmas Time
Nellie's Folding Die NFD004 "flower-1"
Nellie’s Cameo Dies small "2 vintage oval frames" CAD006
Nellie’s Cameo Punches: CamP005, small set "vintage flower"
Nellie’s 3-D sheet: Nellie's color Vintage NEVI008 "Family"
Creatable LR00157 decoratieve elegance
Mulberry roses White
Marianne Design roses: Rose Bunches Pink RB2215
Card 5:
Christmas Greetings
Materials you need for this card:
Benodigdheden voor deze kaart:
2 Sheets Papicolor nr. 16, Dark Green
1 sheet Papicolor nr. 28, Light Yellow
Design paper: Imaginisce: Snowy Joy: Jo to the world and Jingle Baubles
1 sheet Linnen Art cardstock nr. 01, White
Nellie's Folding Die NFD001 "Star"
Nellies Multi Frame Die MFD055 "Straight round"
Nellies Shape Dies SD005 "Holly branch"
Nellie’s Floral Punches: FLP013, FLP013, FLP022
Nellie’s Multi Frame Die MFD055 "Straight round"
Nellie’s Clear stamps: Circle Clear Stamps English texts "Christmas" CCSK002
Nellie’s Clear stamps: "Juukies" JUK004 "Christmas tree"
Copic Markers
Card 6:
Make a Christmas Wish
Materials you need for this card:
Benodigdheden voor deze kaart:
2 sheets Papicolor nr. 41, Dark Blue
1 sheet Linnen Art cardstock 01, White
Design Paper: Bo Bunny: Midnight Frost
Nellie's Folding Die NFD005 "flower-2"
Nellie’s Multiframe Die: MFD048, "Rectangle-3"
Nellie’s Multiframe Die: MFD062, "Straight Eastern oval"
Nellie’s 3-D sheet: Nellie's Christmas Color Vintage NEVI015 "Snow fun"
Nellie’s Shape Dies: SD001, "Star swirl"
Nellie’s Shape Dies: SD012, "Thorny branch"
Nellie’s Floral Punches: FLP013, 014, 022 en 035
Stamp: Nicole Verkooijen, NV 05
Card 7:
Materials you need for this card:
Benodigdheden voor deze kaart:
1 sheet Linnen Art cardstock nr. 14, Bordeaux Red
1 sheet Linnen Art cardstock nr. 7, Chamois
Design paper: Maja Design Vintage Spring Basics
Nellie's Folding Die NFD002 "ball"
Nellie’s Multi Frame Die MFD062 "Straight Eastern oval"
Nellie’s Clear Stamps Lars en Lilly, LILA013 "English texts"
Nellie’s A4 decoupage sheet Color Vintage NEVI021, “posing”
Nellie’s Floral Punches: FLP0027, FLP037
Joy cutting and embossing Die: 6002/0258 Oval
Joy cutting and embossing Die: 6002/0136 French Lilly
Love, Petra. xxx
Liefs, Petra. xxx
zaterdag 5 april 2014
New Card
Nieuwe Kaart
Hello my dear blog friends,
Today i have a new card for you, i hope you will enjoy watching it.
Hallo mijn lieve blogvriendinnen,
Vandaag heb ik weer een nieuwe kaart voor jullie, ik hoop dat jullie hem met veel plezier bekijken.
Good Luck
Veel geluk
Materials you need for this card:
Benodigdheden voor deze kaart:
1 sheet Linnen Art cardstock nr. 33, Dark Brown
1 sheet Linnen Art cardstock nr. 01, White
Design Paper: Maja Design: Vintage Spring Basic
Nellie’s Multi Frame Die MFD069 "Photo frames"
Nellie’s Multi Frame Die MFD020 “Flower”
Nellie’s Floral Punches: FLP028, FLP030, FLP031
3-D sheet: Nellie's Color Vintage NEVI019
Nellie’s Shape Dies SD024 oval frames "proficiat"
Nellies Shape Dies SD032 "English texts-2"
Disstress Ink: Vintage Photo
Love, Petra. xxx
Liefs, Petra. xxx
Nieuwe Kaart
Hello my dear blog friends,
Today i have a new card for you, i hope you will enjoy watching it.
Hallo mijn lieve blogvriendinnen,
Vandaag heb ik weer een nieuwe kaart voor jullie, ik hoop dat jullie hem met veel plezier bekijken.
Good Luck
Veel geluk
Materials you need for this card:
Benodigdheden voor deze kaart:
1 sheet Linnen Art cardstock nr. 33, Dark Brown
1 sheet Linnen Art cardstock nr. 01, White
Design Paper: Maja Design: Vintage Spring Basic
Nellie’s Multi Frame Die MFD069 "Photo frames"
Nellie’s Multi Frame Die MFD020 “Flower”
Nellie’s Floral Punches: FLP028, FLP030, FLP031
3-D sheet: Nellie's Color Vintage NEVI019
Nellie’s Shape Dies SD024 oval frames "proficiat"
Nellies Shape Dies SD032 "English texts-2"
Disstress Ink: Vintage Photo
Love, Petra. xxx
Liefs, Petra. xxx
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